About Me

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Stow, Ohio, United States
My name is John Pulley I was born Oct. 22nd 1960 I live in Stow, Ohio I've been interested in Disney at a very young age. I do postings on WaltsBasement.com My alter-ego (evil alias) on Walts Basement is Chernabog I do magic in real life All tho that I'm 50, I've never been to any Disney parks in my life I listen upto 10 different Podcast shows

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Disneyland History 1969 - Mystery of the Hatbox Ghost

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Actual Home Movies of the Hatbox Ghost - 1969

Who is the most famous ghost in the Haunted Mansion? Without doubt, the Hatbox Ghost, a ghoul who lived there for only a few days. Short, pasty and decapitated--one of the most frightening figures to ever take up residence in the attic. But for decades fans wondered if this ghost actually existed in the finished attraction. Had it been removed before the Mansion's grand opening? And then four decades after opening day, DoomBuggies.Com posted the first photo of the Hatbox Ghost installed in the Mansion at Disneyland. And now, DHI comes limping into second place with some extremely rare home movie footage of dear, departed Hattie and his amazing hatbox. So rev up your DeLorean and journey with us back to the late 1960s. Footage of the Mansion (pre-opening) comes from 1968; Footage of the Mansion (newly opened, with its shiny, gilt sign) comes from 1969. And of course footage of Hattie in the attic is marked August, 1969. The footage from my own collection and the never-before-released reference photos from Paul's collection.

- Todd J. Pierce

PS Make sure to join us over on our Facebook group for updates and further discussion. Link: DHI on Facebook.

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